I was born the year that Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple, the year of the american bicentennial. On the other side, Microsoft is a trade name officially registered, while IBM introduces the ink-jet printer.
It is the year that the Concorde takes service and the Cray-1, a supercomputer, gets operative.
Bernardo Bertolucci's Last Tango in Paris is banned in Italy, while in California sodomy law is repealed.
There is still a cold war climate: a soviet Mig lands on the island of Hokkaido, Japan, and the pilot asks for political asylum. Terrorism: bombs explode in the West End of London.
But it is also the year of the Viking space program: the Viking 1 spacecraft takes a pic of the Face on Mars and then lands on the red planet, followed shortly after by the Viking 2. On the other side of the wall, aboard the Soyuz 21, russians send two astronauts into space.
The satellite Lageos is launched: it will study the geodynamic of the Earth.
Politically we have a lot of changes. In Argentina, Isabel Peron is deposed and a military dictatorship will be established. Chirac resigns as Prime Minister of France. The Khmer Rouge, led by Pol Pot, take the power in Kampuchea. Ireland and Mexico have a new President, Portugal and Cuba a new Constitution. In Italy government falls: early elections promote the third Andreotti government.
G-6 becomes G-7.
The Eagles release Hotel California, The Ramones release their first album.
For several months the Big Ben stops measuring time because of mechanical problems.
Game 5 of the NBA Finals: the Boston Celtics defeat the Phoenix Suns 128-126 in triple overtime. Czechoslovakia wins European Soccer Championship beating West Germany 5-3 on penalties. The Cincinnati Reds win the World Series. During summer, Olympics begin in Canada.
In Italy, abortion is considered a crime. The United States recognizes euthanasia, while death penalty is considered constitutionally acceptable.
Atlantic City casinos are legalized.
Gaddafi invests into italian Fiat.
Jimmy Carter is elected President, such as Fidel Castro in Cuba.
That year Agatha Christie, Luchino Visconti, Max Ernst, Martin Heidegger, Jean Paul Getty and Mao Zedong die.
In Jamaica someone tries to kill Bob Marley.
Solomon 'Saul' Bellow wins the Nobel Prize for Literature.
I born three days before Francesco Totti and one day before the U2 drummer Larry Mullen posts a note on the notice-board of his school seeking musicians to form a rock band.
It is an important year. It is 1976.
If you type '1976' on Google, you get approximately 754 millions results…

In 1984, when I am eight years old and play with toy cars and trains, William Gibson publishes his Neuromancer, which will affect my ethic and my aesthetic, which will forever clear the mists of youth…
Adolescence, by contrast, ended a late-summer morning, just after the final exams, when I looked at the Pasteur - the high school I attended for five bureaucratic years - and I realized, with some satisfaction, that the living in those white and uniforms pavilions had finally concluded…
I also understood that it was a boring but necessary waste of time…

I started writing because of music: poems in english that had to become the lyrics of a suburban rock band in which I played keyboard and piano... only after I converted myself to the prose, just thinking 'beautiful' to give feelings to the reader, and waking up one morning with the bright idea to write a book…
But I shake thinking I was not so good at the italian writing tests…

In the meantime, I graduate in Political Economics with a thesis on Keynes. Yet, economic theory does not explain everything, it is insufficient and limited. Moreover, theoretical models that are in vogue in the secret rooms of Central Banks are like perfect watertight chambers that have little or nothing to do with the continuous flow - economic and not - that we see around us, that is our reality, by definition complex, changing, entropic…
So, I devote myself to other readings too. Psychology, especially Jung. For a while I have also been interested in astronomy. In recent years, I appreciate the beauty and complexity of Don DeLillo's writing. Cinema is a temple where I often go to meditate.
I love art in all of its forms…
The art itself - as well as books that are written, that are read - is constantly evolving…
Like this source code…

down in the cyberspace...



